Monday, September 4, 2017

Good Work, Pre-planned, Just for Me

Each year, Americans celebrate the importance of work by taking a day off from it. Labor Day, as holidays go, is a bit of an odd-ball, and this post really wont’ help you understand why we have it. Check out this article if you want that backstory.

Whatever you know or may not know about Labor Day, the day itself is a reminder that  most Americans spend the majority of their lives laboring to survive. Paid work is a necessity for most of us, and work of any and all kinds is the reality for every American, whether we get a paycheck for it or not. Strange as it is, as much as we appreciate a day off from work now and then, we realize that its absence is harmful to every aspect of our humanity. We need to work because were made to work.

And speaking of work, I recently changed jobs, and in so doing, career fields. After several years in the legal profession, God has now placed me in the realm of education, as an administrator for a private Christian home school academy. I don’t blame you if you think that’s a little strange—I wouldn’t have believed it myself if you had told me 10 years ago what I’d be doing now. Ironically, it was about a decade ago that a mentor, after hearing me lay out my life-plans for the next several years, wryly advised me to be on my toes because God just might throw me a “curve ball.” Turns out, he was right. God has a beautiful way of pitching us curve balls by taking us directions we hadn’t anticipated. But He also masterfully prepares us for those unexpected curve balls, so that if we’re paying attention, we’ll still connect for a base hit.

The wonderful thing I’m learning as a Christian, now in my third decade of life, is that I don’t have to plot out my life’s vocational journey. I’ve often fretted over whether I’m on the proper rung of the professional ladder, given how old I am and the training I’ve received. But God is showing me more and more that I’ve really had it backwards. He’s the Planner for my professional life. In fact, He’s got a complete file on all the stuff He wants me to do for His Kingdom. How do I know that? He told me:

For [I am] His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that [I] should walk in them. - Ephesians 2:10

Long before I came into existence, God already knew that I would be. He knew I would be born a sinner, but that I would also be adopted into His family. And, as my adopted heavenly Father, He personally and perfectly prepared good works, His Work, for me to do.  This means that all of my work, professional or otherwise, has been specially chosen for me by a loving Overseer. It also means that it isn’t up to me to figure out how I’m going to make my mark on the world through my career, or scheme my way up the ladder of earthly success. My responsibility is to be faithful to do the work God has for me, right now, in this season of my life, until He brings me a new assignment.

Oh, and by the way, if you’re interested in a job, Dad says He’s always looking for new hires--He's got plenty of work for you to keep you busy.

Photo by Peter Miller in creative commons.