“We have to protect our country from external threats.”
“We need to show compassion to those who are in need.”
If I asked the average American if he agreed with each of
those statements, doubtless he’d say yes. But if I asked him if he agreed with
either one of those statements in the context of our national immigration
policy, he’d probably choose one or the other to summarize his views, and
probably quite forcefully. And so it seems our American populace has done on
the issue—one side forcefully arguing that national security is the guiding
principle when it comes to immigration, the other also forcefully arguing that
compassion should be so instead. The two
positions appear, in their raw, simplified explanations, to be mutually
But are they?
Some years ago, a wise friend of mine explained that we
often look at situations in terms of “either/or.” We think we have to choose either
one thing or the other, elevating the one and excluding the other. But my friend
pointed out that God usually doesn’t demand that kind of mutual exclusivity
when it comes to real life. For example, God commands that we are to love Him with
all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. But such paramount love for Him doesn’t
mean our love stops there. The same God commands us to love our neighbors as
ourselves (Mark 12:30-31). Instead of “either/or,” it’s a “both/and.” We love both God and our neighbor. Sure, God has the priority, but love for Him
doesn’t exclude the need to love our neighbor—in fact, the one actually helps
us to do the other one even better.
I recently heard Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, President of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, apply the paradigm of “both/and”
to the immigration issue. He pointed out that both sides of the debate have
legitimate concerns that should be factored into a workable, sensible, and
Biblical immigration policy. Immigration law should be enforced to prevent illegal immigration, while at the
same time, preservation of immigrant families should help guide that enforcement.
I heartily echo Dr. Rodriguez’s sentiments. In all the
commotion surrounding how to address immigration, terrorism, and national
security, we’ve rather forgotten that the concerns being raised aren’t contradictory.
Let me give you a bit of word picture to help make the point.
Let’s say you’re a home owner who has a leaky roof and a
broken furnace. You wouldn’t say you can’t fix the roof because you have to
fix the furnace, or vice versa. One might have priority over the other, but both
can be properly addressed in due time. And in so doing, you would want to have
the appropriate person fix each respective problem: a roofer for the roof, an
HVAC technician for the furnace.
So it is with our country. Last Tuesday night, President
Trump declared to our Congress that he wasn’t President to represent the world;
he was president to represent America. Of course, he’s right. His responsibility, by
order of the Constitution, is first and foremost to the United States.
And the security of our nation ought to be at the top of his “to-do” list. Part
of that security is enforcing our existing immigration laws and seeking, where necessary,
additional policies that will keep, as the President has put it, “our communities safer for everyone.” In other words, he’s been hired to fix the leaky roof.
But what about refugees seeking safe haven from horrific
persecution? What about people from other countries seeking to better their
lives and the lives of their families? What obligation does President Trump owe
them? No more than the roofer owes to the furnace. The President of the United
States cannot place the concerns of non-Americans at the same level of priority
as Americans. He wasn’t elected to do so. However that doesn’t mean we don’t address
their plight, any more than the homeowner ignores his broken furnace.
Well-meaning Christians may lecture the President on the
need to implement an immigration policy that prioritizes the Biblical principle of showing
compassion to the alien. But this is asking the roofer to fix the furnace. It’s
up to the HVAC technician to fix the furnace because he’s the person best equipped
and most knowledgeable to do the job. Social welfare is best delivered through
private means. There is no better group
of people than the Church of Jesus Christ, to reach out to the immigrants and refugees
in our midst, and to help provide relief to refugees outside of our borders. That’s
our job, by divine mandate, (James 2:15-17), just as it’s the government’s job,
by divine mandate, to protect our nation from harm and to punish those who do
it evil (Romans 13:1-5). Our tasks aren’t mutually exclusive; they can be done
in tandem.
Remember, the government, including President Trump, isn’t
the owner of this House we call the United States of America. We the People are.
And if we remember whose job it is to fix the roof, and whose job it is to fix
the furnace, we may just end up with a sturdy roof that weathers the fiercest
storm, and a furnace that warms the house in double time. Yes, there will be occasions
when the roofer and the HVAC technician might get in each other’s way. But when
that happens, the homeowner can make the needed adjustment to see that both
guys have the room they need to get their respective jobs done.
Photo Credit by qbac07 in creative commons
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